Recently seen on the Diversity Fashion Week 2019 , Olga IF is now currently working on 3 projects in the world of Fashion: MAESTRO KID, an International Fashion Contest aimed at children's clothing design based on drawings whose authors are children between 6 and 16 years old.

In October 2019, Olga IF reached an agreement with director of the SuzieM FashionLAB laboratory, Russia, Susanna Makerova, to create a platform to promote young designers. It will be an international competition, in the same line as Eurovision in music, but in this case with the theme of fashion, and is called “MODAVISION”
This news has sounded a lot in the Russian press and as a result in a period of one month they have involved in the project 4 countries such as Russia represented by Susanna Makerova, Spain represented by Olga IF, Holland and Moldova
The first step of collaboration will be the participation of Olga IF in Ethnomode contest as a member of the jury
on November 1, 2 and 3 in Russia.

Original project idea MAESTRO KID founded by Olga IF has managed to involve at the moment children from Belgium, Kazakhstan, Russia, Latvia and Spain, aged between 6 and 16 years, who have sent drawings of great originality and perfectly adaptable to different types of fabric for subsequent preparation. An international jury, composed of personalities of Fashion and Communication, will choose the best drawings. The members of the Jury are : Stéphanie Olivia Adélaïde, Ricardo Martin, Pedro Mansilla, Maison Mesa. After the selection of the drawings, the designs of prints will be made in a computer, they will be sent to print on fabrics and later they will be stitched. The finished looks will parade on a catwalk where audiences and a jury will choose three looks that will receive the prizes from sponsors.
The objectives of the Contest aim to promote:
• Creativity: the potential of originality of the kids is infinite, and through this project they will be able to show their abilities.
• Diversity: teamwork with children from different backgrounds, grouped together to face a common goal from diversity.
• Solidarity: with the environment and disadvantaged groups, through social groups.
• Eco-responsibility: when making the dresses, recycled materials, biodegradable products, materials that do not produce a harmful effect on the natural environment are used.

Parade will be held in an important Spanish city on February 8, 2020, with the participation of American singer Brandon Howard and live dance and music performances. A Guinness World Records Attempts parade in which the world premiere of the Fashion Anthem will take place.
We are excited to announce that our foundation Diversity Fashion Week and Diversity Model Agency will be attending the World Vision Fashion show 2020.
Simultaneously, Olga IF has been working for months on a unique and exciting large project: WORLDVISION FASHION SHOW, recently awarded at the World Folk Vision International Contest, organized by the Eurasian Council of Culture Science and Education held in Sochi (Russian Federation) in September of 2019. The aim of WorldVision Fashion Show is to beat two GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS ®.
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